People deadlifting with a garage door open to the sun

2024 Spring Programming Cycle

April 08, 20243 min read

Welcome to the 2024 Spring Programming Cycle. For spring we are shifting our focus back to building muscle and improving mobility and stability.

More Muscle

We will move some of our bigger lifts into our volume days. This will have the effect of giving us well rounded muscle gains which will support future strength work.

Tools for Recovery

Our bodies recover with rest, but we can help restore and improve the function of our muscles and joints with an active cool down. Look for some ideas of how to get your body feeling and moving its best in our upcoming classes.

The Weekly Training Schedule

We have had great success with our weekly training schedule. We will continue to use the Heavy, Heavy, Light, Light, Medium, Medium format with a few tweaks. We will offer some very short and spicy Power Metcons on Heavy (strength) days. Our Light (conditioning) days will be a balanced mix of medium and long metcons with skills, recovery and accessory work in the mix. And for our Medium (hypertrophy) days, we will do longer sets of big lifts with a variety of powerful metcons.

Make It Work For You

We believe that our system for programming weekly workouts is resulting in a really effective, balanced week for the great majority of our athletes. It is clear, predictable and easy to communicate. That said, we still expect that people will make reasonable adjustments to our daily programming as needed. Here are some ideas of what that could look like:

Why might someone adjust their sets, reps and load?

  • New to a movement and need more exposure at lighter weight

  • Adapting to an injury or condition for safety or recovery

  • Schedule does not allow for a balance of workouts

What are some reasonable adjustments?

  • Use lighter weights and do more reps on a Heavy Day (programming says 5x2 at 90% and you do 5x5 staying below RPE 8)

  • Use heavier weights on a Light or Medium Day (most people are doing 5 rounds or 20 reps and you do 3 rounds or 7 reps with heavier weights)

  • Hit an Open Gym time and do the thing that rounds out your workout week

  • Do a 5 minute bike or run after class to get sweaty and raise your heart rate

We already provide tons of scaling options and, with occasional tweaks, we hope that our weekly programming structure can easily meet your needs. If you would like more support around making workouts work for you, ask your coach and/or reach out to me: [email protected]

Daily Workout Focus Content

Mondays and Tuesdays

Heavy / Strength Days: shorter sets at higher intensities to focus on building strength with the occasional short, power focused metcon. This cycle we will rotate through Deadlift, Press/Push Press, gymnastics skills and pulling lifts.

Wednesdays and Thursdays

Light / Conditioning Days: a lot of time in action to improve endurance, build cardiovascular capacity and get your wiggles out. We will use a wide variety of skills and exercises blended into many formats and lengths to achieve these goals.

Fridays and Saturdays

Medium / Volume / Hypertrophy Days: longer sets of a few lifts to achieve modest, balanced muscle gains paired with medium length resistance focused metcons to finish the week super strong. We are offering Back Squat AND Bench Press on both days. This gives you the option to choose to focus on one or the other or alternate to get exposure to both lifts.

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