Drop Deadlift Gorgeous Wrap-Up and Feedback
After months of planning - we wrapped up the second annual Drop Deadlift Gorgeous.
In 2023, myself and a handful of Solcana members set out to organize a small(ish) event with a semi-lofty goal. Two years later - we've raised over $200,000 for trans+ communities across the midwest. Thanks to thousands of donors, volunteers, dozens of sponsors and vendors for helping make Drop Deadlift Gorgeous the smashing success it was!
💥And The Results Are IN💥
Across sponsorships, fundraising, and merch/raffle sales....Drop Deadlift Gorgeous raised over $128,000!!!
We Want to Hear From YOU!
There are so many moving parts that go into pulling off an event of this magnitude. And yet, there are always ways we can make things better. Please take a moment to provide us with feedback about your experience. There are sections for lifters, volunteers, vendors, sponsors, and spectators. Please fill out the respective sections for all the ways you participated, no later than Monday, Nov 18th. 2024 Drop Deadlift Gorgeous Survey
The TRANSCEND Fund - Next Steps
We raised all this money, now what? Currently, trans+ and non-binary community members are reviewing all applications for The TRANSCEND Campaign Fund. This year, 34 applications were received. That's an increase from 12 in 2023. These are organizations all across the midwest, including: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, & Wisconsin.
The committee will put forward their selections to the PFund board, who will vote in December. Applicants will then be notified by mid-December, with a public announcement in January 2025. Recipients will be awarded anywhere from $5000 - $50,000. With the help of Drop Deadlift Gorgeous, PFund will be able to award over $300,000 in TRANSCEND Campaign grants! That's an increase from $100,000 in 2023.
Social Media
As DDG wraps up, our social media page will also likely slow down. We will be sharing updates as they come, so be sure to follow us on Insta, if you're not already @dropdeadliftgorgeous. Additionally, you should also be sure to give Solcana Fitness & PFund a follow.
Lastly I want to shout out our planning committee: Cate Reynolds, Daphne Sidor, Chris Stedman, Hannah Novillo, Max Homstad, Traci Slane, Dina Ramirez, Nikki O'Neil, Lauren Rimestad, & Aaron Zimmerman . Additionally, a huge thanks to our 50+ volunteers.
Spaces like Drop Deadlift Gorgeous continue to showcase the power of community. We are so grateful to be in the company of such a vibrant and outspoken community.
In solidarity,
Max, Solcana Fitness, & PFund