Joshua H: 1000 Class Athlete!
Joshua came to Solcana in 2018 and has been a fixture of the Solcana community ever since. He shows up at just about every Solcana event, volunteers at our events when he can and puts so much thought and energy into his exercise life. He has developed a lot as an athlete and continues to engage with exercise in ways that are motivating and inspiring for himself and for those around him. Joshua is such a lovely human and we are so grateful that he has made Solcana his home for so long.
He has participated in 1,054 classes and counting! Read on to learn a bit more about Joshua and get the scoop on his workout. And, be sure to join in the celebration during all Group Fitness classes this Wednesday, December 11th.
Where are you from? Minnesota, born and bred! Although my heart is often in Okinawa.
How did you get started doing fitness stuff? When I lived in Okinawa, I started running, and eventually ran in the half-marathon my island hosted.
When did you start at Solcana? I started after I was done with law school and the bar, which was about April of 2018!
What is your athletic super-power? What is something you feel especially good at? I think I've always been pretty good at Toes-to-Bar. Secret core strength!
What is the area you would most like to improve on? I try to come to Solcana every Sunday recess and work on upper-body strength, which I've really improved on. I wish I had time during the week to have a more leg/core-centric workout!
What is your favorite thing about Solcana? Solcana has been a place for a wide variety of folks to find joy (and the sweet, sweet pain) of exercise. I never had a teacher growing up that made me think of exercise as anything other than torture, or that they were trying to do me a favor by pushing me to do what they wanted rather than find a way to connect me to movement I enjoyed. Solcana accomplishes that.
Joshua’s Workout
Why did you choose these exercises? When I was in law school, it was hard to find time to exercise and taking an hour to do a long run was difficult when my time was taken up with both school and work. I would get home from work, do the 7-minute workout, clean-up, and then head to classes for the night. Doing something physical (and having a routine about it) probably assisted my mental health considerably. Benching and curls are something I tend to practice on the weekend during recess, so this is just another chance to get in some additional gains! ;)
Any advice for someone about to do it? You can do anything for about 30 seconds! Good luck!
The “Joshua H”
12 Bench Press at RPE 8 (~65%)
6 Double DB Hammer Curl
6 Double DB Bicep Curl
14 Minutes of The 7-Minute Workout
:30 of each exercise
*transition faster or slower to vary intensity
Tap/Jumping Jacks
Wall Sit
Push Up
Sit-Up/Core Option
Plate/Box Step Up
Air Squat
Bench/Box/Ring Dips
High Knee March/Sprint
Alternating Lunge
Side Plank